
Sofia Carrera

Postdoctoral fellow

Northwestern University


I study the physiological and behavioral mechanisms that connect the early-life environment with health and fitness later in life. As a postdoctoral fellow, I am working with data from the Cebu Longitudinal Health and Nutrition Survey (CLHNS) to investigate the long-term effects of early-life adversity on biological aging.

My dissertation research focused on maternal stress and infant development in wild geladas – monkeys living in the highlands of Ethiopia. Conducting field work with the Simien Mountains Gelada Research Project (SMGRP), I identified the primary socio-ecological challenges to adult female reproduction. During pregnancy, first-time mothers and mothers of low social rank had higher levels of glucocorticoids, metabolic hormones that help individuals overcome energetic challenges and have potential effects on fetal development. The infants of these females breastfed for longer, which may indicate slower development. I also found that mothers of low social rank and mothers with male infants had longer interbirth intervals which over time would reduce their lifetime reproductive success.

I conduct all of my research analyses using the R programming language. I believe that open source software is a major step in making science and research more inclusive and accessible. I make sure to teach mentees the basics of R to jumpstart their development as independent researchers.

In addition to talking about science, I enjoy rock climbing, hiking, and playing with my dog.


  • PhD, Biopsychology

    University of Michigan

  • MS, Biopsychology

    University of Michigan

  • BS, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

    Yale University

Select Publications

Social correlates of androgen levels and dispersal age in juvenile male geladas

Sen S, Carrera SC, Heistermann M, Potter CB, Baniel A, DeLacey PM, Petrullo L, Lu A, & JC Beehner. (2022).
Hormones and Behavior, DOI

Low rank and primiparity increase fecal glucocorticoid metabolites across gestation in wild geladas

Carrera SC, Sen S, Heistermann M, Lu A, & Beehner, JC. (2020).
General and Comparative Endocrinology, DOI

Developmental responses to early-life adversity: Evolutionary and mechanistic perspectives

Lu A, Petrullo L, Carrera SC, Feder J, Schneider-Crease I, & Snyder-Mackler N. (2019).
Evolutionary Anthropology, DOI



Biology of Maternal Effects, University of Michigan, 2022
Designed and taught a capstone seminar in Psychology

Introduction to Biopsychology, University of Michigan, 2018
Graduate Student Instructor

Statistical Modeling and Data Visualization in R, University of Michigan, 2017
Graduate Student Instructor

Additional Training

Diversity Equity and Inclusion
Rackham Graduate School | UM | 2022

Evolutionary Medicine Summer Institute
TriCEM | 2021

Social Determinants of Population Health
Summer Session in Epidemiology | UM School of Public Health | 2019

Data wrangling, analysis and AB testing with SQL
Coursera | UC Davis | Dec. 2020

SQL for data science
Coursera | UC Davis | Aug. 2020

Science Communication

Portal to the Public
UM Museum of Natural History
